Friday, October 31, 2008

I'm baaaack...

After being distracted for 16 months I've finally got my focus back enough to get back on this baby.

So here are some pictures.


Anonymous said...

Awesome detailing. Nice to see progress on your Galactica.

Anonymous said...

liked very much the focus on magnetic cannon batteries, I've searched for a galactica kit without success. Really great the model on rhinoceros and the real one! Sorry for bad english

Raoul (rome)

Anonymous said...

have you finished it yet? it looks amazing so far!

Frank D
Ft lauderdale

Anonymous said...

Incredible! But... you do it from a kit or you are building the Galactica? It's awesome dude!! Congrats!! When the ship is finished... I want one!! :P

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Stunning work !!!