Friday, March 9, 2007

Getting bigger

Everything done up untill now is preperation for a 1/2500th scale model. The finnished model will be around 22.5" long.

For such a large model I could not simply resize my parts from the Mini Galactica model. The detailing on the hull will be done with an applique of material so I needed to compensate for the thickness of the strips. Also since this model is being built to a specific scale, the materials I am using need to be made to custom thicknesses.

These skins started off as five laser etched vinyl strips and were detailed with chips of styrene and a few HO scale detailing parts. I then made a mold of them and cast up around 200 skins in urethane resin.


Detail strip

The bulk of the hull is made from lasercut shapes of foam. These foam slices were contoured just as the smaller model's acrylic shapes were. Once all the slices were shaped I began the process of applying the detailed skins.

Hull detailing
Hull detailing
Hull detailing
Hull detailing
Hull detailing
Hull detailing
Hull detailing
Hull detailing
Hull detailing
Hull detailing
Hull detailing
Hull detailing
Hull detailing
Hull detailing
Hull detailing
Hull detailing
Hull detailing
Hull detailing
Hull detailing
Hull detailing
Hull detailing
Hull detailing


Anonymous said...

Holy shit, you're blogging???

Cobywan said...

It's a tool. I got tired of my posts dissapearing from the forums. I really hated repeating the process every three months at many different sites.

I'm just about ready to start up on this bucket again. :)

Anonymous said...

And look, over here you can say shit and shit and shit.

Boddaker said...

Hi Coby, thanks for referring me to the forum. I'm sure I'll find everything I need there. Your model is nothing short of amazing! I'd like to pick your brain about molding/casting, if you don't mind of course.

Phil Smith said...

Impressive. I also sincerely appreciate you providing details on how to build a thing like this. I am learning much.